Originally Published in the Blackstone Valley Tribune, October 29, 2021
When runners compete at large invitationals, the hope is to receive a medal for a job well done within a large, competitive crowd. Sometimes a job well done takes on new meaning.

Nicholas Belucio [Submitted photo]
After finishing his own race, Nic went to the med tent to find the runner. “I was glad to see he was doing better. He asked if I was the one who had stopped to help him, and he thanked me for doing that.” Coach Chris
Vander Baan is incredibly proud of Nic’s selflessness. “I believe Nic gave up a medal at the Twilight Meet to help a competing runner. I told Nic I was so proud of him for putting the well-being of another runner above his own personal goals. It’s easy to forget about the medals, but you will never forget stopping during a race and helping out a fellow runner.”
What prompted Nic to leave a race he was running well? “I typically pray before races but since I was especially nervous before this one, I prayed, ‘God, help me with this race. Let me do this with You, for You, so I can show my faith through You.’ Maybe this was a test God had given me to show how, as a Christian, I can represent the school. I am sad I may have missed out on a medal, but if I was in the same situation again, I would help. Someone’s health is more important than a medal, and hopefully I have more chances in the future.”