
Getting Started/TRIP Policy

To provide the families of Whitinsville Christian School an opportunity to reduce their tuition through the Tuition Reduction Incentive Program (TRIP). Through the TRIP program, gift cards are purchased from participating food and retail stores at a discount. These gift cards are sold at face value to families who participate in the program and the discount is passed on to the families in the form of tuition credit.

Program Policies

  1. TRIP orders are placed bi-weekly during the entire year. Occasional changes in the schedule may occur during the year and will be announced in advance of the change.
  2. Family and friends may help WCS families with TRIP by registering and having their own account. Parents looking to the future and planning for the Christian education of their young children at Whitinsville Christian School are also encouraged to participate. The monies earned will be held by WCS and will be credited as a tuition payment when their child is enrolled as a student.
  3. TRIP orders may be placed online at raiseright.com. Online orders may be paid for either by submitting a check to the WCS Elementary Office by noon on the scheduled order date or by using the direct debit system “Presto-Pay”. All other TRIP orders (online not using “Presto Pay” or orders placed using the hardcopy order form) must be accompanied by checks made payable to Whitinsville Christian School TRIP. These checks are non tax deductible because participants receive dollar for dollar value.
  4. TRIP orders may be placed in the green TRIP mailbox (located in the WCS Elementary foyer) or online any time before the order date. The deadline for ordering on the scheduled order date is 12:00 P.M.
  5. TRIP orders will be available for pick-up at the WCS Elementary Office on the Monday morning following the scheduled order date. Families may designate a friend or relative (adult) to pick up their order. (If Monday is designated as a holiday, pick-up will be on Tuesday.) If families have signed the disclaimer notice on the TRIP registration form allowing students to pick up orders, please note the following: Grades K 5 – orders will be delivered to the student’s classroom teacher for distribution. Grades 6 12 – orders will be held at the elementary office until the student comes to pick up the order.
  6. The percentage earned (less a small program administration fee) on each participating family’s account will be held by WCS and credited to family tuition accounts each December and May. Families who pay their tuition in full each year will receive TRIP credit for the following school year’s balance.
  7. TRIP is offered to promote the education of students at Whitinsville Christian School. Therefore, TRIP credits earned will only be paid to WCS for tuition reduction – they are not available as a refund. If a family no longer attends WCS for whatever reason, any TRIP credits that have not been distributed will be available for one of the following:
    • Credit to the family’s outstanding balance
    • Credit to another family’s tuition
    • Credit to the WCS General Tuition Assistance Fund

Written notice of where the funds are to be credited must be received within 60 days of the family’s leaving WCS. If notice by the family is not received, the TRIP credits will be credited to the General Tuition Assistance Fund.

  • Gift cards and certificates should be treated as cash. Whitinsville Christian School, gift card suppliers and/or TRIP volunteers will not accept responsibility for lost or misplaced gift cards.
  • By making certain gift cards/certificates available for purchase, Whitinsville Christian School does not imply endorsement of the merchants listed on the order forms. Families must each make their own decisions regarding which merchants they support.
  • TRIP retailers and discount percentages are subject to change at any time. Please check the TRIP News online or check the up-to-date merchant listing online at http://raiseright.com/.

Ready to get started? Create an account at raiseright.com. The WCS enrollment code is A4DDBFB51821. Any questions regarding TRIP may be emailed to  info@whitinsvillechristian.org.