With God all things are possible

-Matthew 19:26

Annual giving to the WCS Fund not only supports the school’s mission; it strengthens it in ways not otherwise covered by tuition and endowment income. The WCS Fund provides the reinforcement and support of excellence in all aspects of our mission. The central why of our mission is Christ-like service in God’s World. How we uniquely accomplish our mission is in a joy-filled community that inspires innovative learning, passionate leading, and faithful serving.

The WCS Fund supports the faculty and students through a family of funds. Should directed contributions exceed a fund’s budgeted limit, the school’s administration reserves the option to direct the use of contributions to the area of greatest need.


Each year tuition assistance makes it possible for students, who otherwise would not be able to afford full tuition, to attend WCS. A gift to the WCS Fund allows the school to enroll and retain more students with demonstrated need who want access to the unique why and how of our education.


The Engbers Fund for Excellence in Education reflects the philosophy of retired Head of School, Lance Engbers: a compelling wholeness to the way WCS conducts Christian Education based on a solidly Biblical perspective, bringing a sense of optimism, joy, and gratefulness for God.


Across the many activities and disciplines at WCS, there are numerous  opportunities for student expression, allowing students to further identify and develop their own unique talents, work within dynamic team environments, and prepare to make a difference in God’s World.


Integral to a WCS education is spiritual formation. The WCS Fund supports opportunities for meaningful spiritual growth, with a cohesive experience for faculty, staff, and students.

Since its founding in 1928, WCS families have played an active role in the school community, literally laying the foundation of our school. WCS relies on the support and involvement of our entire community – current and past parents, grandparents, trustees, alumni, friends, faculty, and staff. Learn more about the volunteer opportunities, special events, and fundraising efforts that allow us to be in community with each other. 

Learn More About Leadership Giving and the 1928 Society

Other Ways to Give

Support our Major Annual Fundraisers

Dutch Apple Pie Fundraiser

Spring Auction

Golf Outing