Originally published  at https://www.telegram.com/story/sports/high-school/2021/06/02/t-g-hometeam-girls-cross-country-all-stars/7500358002/

It was a record-setting fall for Lashley, one that saw her selected to the T&G Super Team in cross-country for the third straight season. And for that she has been honored as the Hometeam Runner of the Year. Lashley finished first in all four dual meets she competed in while leading the Crusaders to a 6-0 record. That included setting course records at Hopedale, Valley Tech and Whitinsville Christian. She finished second at the Frank Kelley Invitational, third at the Frank Mooney Invitational and 12th overall and first among Central Mass. competitors in Division 2 at the MSTCA Cup to pace the Crusaders to the team title. Lashley, a team captain, considers watching a teammate finish her first 5K race to be her most memorable moment of the season. She is the daughter of Nancy and Baird Lashley of Millville.