High School


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This semester elective is an introduction to animation and motion-based media. Students will learn how to bring drawings to life by following the 12 Principles of Animation used by Walt Disney Studios: Squash and stretch, Anticipation, Staging, Straight-ahead Action, Follow through, Slow In and Slow Out, Arc, Secondary Action, Timing, Exaggeration, Solid Drawing, and Appeal. Students will create both hand-drawn animations and learn to use computer software such as Adobe Animate, including important concepts such as keyframes, rigging, frame rates, and tweening.

Elective: 2.5 credits

Prerequisite: Technology Fundamentals

Computer Programming: Cryptography

A survey of hidden writing, codes, encryption/ decryption, and information security. You will learn computer programming (JavaScript and Python) while learning how to both encrypt and decrypt messages using a variety of different methods. Course includes a historical overview of codes and code breaking with an emphasis on World War II. Course concepts include programming logic, problem solving, mathematics (probability and number theory). This course counts as a computer science requirement.

Elective: 2.5 credits

Prerequisite: Technology Fundamentals

Computer Science & Artificial Intelligence

This course is an opportunity to explore the field of computer science through robotics and programming. Students will learn about the history of computing, processor design and manufacturing, data storage, algorithms, and computer programming. Students will receive hands-on experience programming LED lights, LCD displays, buttons, motors, and a variety of sensors on mBot Neo robots. Students will also be introduced to the core concepts of artificial intelligence and machine learning, engaging in thoughtful discussions on technical aspects as well as ethical and moral considerations. This course counts as a computer science requirement.

Elective: 2.5 credits

Prerequisites: Technology Fundamentals

Computer Programming: Games

Students will learn key concepts of programming such as variables, functions, loops, algorithms, sorting, random numbers, and debugging while creating a variety of simple, playable computer games. Students will develop their own functions, programs, and algorithms in Javascript and Python programming languages. Creativity, problem solving, and time management will be stressed. No prior programming experience is required. This course counts as a computer science requirement.

Elective: 2.5 credits

Prerequisites: Technology Fundamentals

Graphic Design

This course is the study of visual communication and presentation. Students use computers to learn basic principles of artistic design while studying color theory, typography, logo design, composition, and page layout. Students use selected software applications to combine words, symbols, and images in the creation of visual metaphors, print publications, and advertisements. The use of a Windows or MacBook computer (not Chrome) is recommended.

Elective: 2.5 credits

Prerequisite: Technology Fundamentals

Technology Fundamentals

This is a foundational course designed to familiarize students with the computer skills and concepts needed for success at WCHS, college, career, and life. Students will master basic computer operations, and improve on word processing, spreadsheet, and slide presentation skills. Students will study and discuss social media, online safety, technology and health, and copyright law, in addition to current trends in and a Christian perspective of technology. Students will also explore image creation, basic computer programming, and 3D printing.

Required: 2.5 credits

Prerequisite: None

Web Design

This is an introduction to the design, creation, and maintenance of web pages and websites. Students learn to use HTML (hypertext markup language) to code web pages, CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) to format images and text, and basic JavaScript programming to make pages more interactive. Students learn how to create and manipulate images, and how to critically evaluate website quality. The use of a Windows or MacBook computer (not Chrome) is recommended. This course counts as a computer science requirement.

Elective: 2.5 credits

Prerequisite: Technology Fundamentals


This course is a study of the concepts, principles, and terminology of digital image creation, animation, and videography. Students learn how to use digital cameras and computer software to create, edit, animate, and caption still images and videos in order to tell imaginative and compelling visual stories. Students will also work with sound effects, music, and special effects. Use of a Windows or MacBook computer (not a Chromebook) is recommended. Students who have taken Digital Media may not take this course.

Elective: 2.5 credits

Prerequisite: Technology Fundamentals