High School

Physical Education

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Personal Wellness

This course will equip students with knowledge and skills to take care of their bodies as they experience many of the influences in the world and communities around them. Personal wellness will be represented by a balance of mental, emotional, social, spiritual, and physical well-being.

Topics will include mental health, exercise and nutrition, substance abuse, the effects of social media, and human sexuality. Guest speakers by members of the WCS and local community will be invited in to discuss some of these topics to give real life perspectives to what students may experience after high school. As part of this course students will also be trained and certified in a basic CPR course.

Overall, this course aims to develop a more mature understanding of how and why we should take care of our bodies in a way that glorifies our Creator, especially in a culture and season of life that is constantly changing and presenting challenges to our wellbeing.

Required: 1.25 credits (quarter course offered opposite Financial Literacy)

Prerequisite: Junior

Physical Education I

This course focuses on lifetime physical fitness. The activities are directly related to developing and maintaining a healthy body throughout life. The goal of the class is to help students understand the concept of personal physical fitness and make lifelong commitments to maintain healthy bodies. They will learn the importance of personal fitness, how to evaluate their own level of fitness, the difference between aerobic and anaerobic fitness programs, how to utilize a weight room, how to attain and maintain fitness, and principles of training and acquiring fitness.

These goals will be achieved through active learning using class activities such as active games, weight training, and team activities. God has gifted us each a unique body and it is our responsibility to use these physical gifts in a God-honoring way. Alternates annually with Physical Education II

Required: 2.5 credits

Prerequisite: None

Physical Education II

This course focuses on lifetime sports and recreation. The goal of the class is to acquaint students with a variety of leisure activities and 30 sports which they could continue to participate in throughout life as a means of maintaining a minimal level of personal fitness.

Students will learn the social value of leisure activities and how participating for this reason may be different than competition. Basic rules, skills and strategies for each sport will be taught, leading to actual participation. Class activities may include: archery, badminton, bowling, golf, tennis, volleyball, various lawn games, and technical rock climbing. Emphasis is placed on fair play and consideration for varying skills.

As Christians, we have the opportunity to maintain our health through activities that can also be of social value in reaching out to our friends and coworkers to share the love of Christ. Alternates annually with Physical Education I

Required: 2.5 credits

Prerequisite: None

Physical Education III

This course focuses on development of greater personal responsibility for maintaining an active lifestyle as a means of promoting physical fitness. Activities that are more enjoyable promote greater long-term involvement and contribute to more active lifestyles. Attention will be given to those lifetime sports and activities that may be less familiar or outside the typical physical education curriculum.

Students will be challenged to take an active role in planning, organizing, and implementing the class curriculum through the completion of a project that requires them in pairs to teach, lead, and provide for facilities and equipment (with the help of the instructor). Students will be required to demonstrate initiative and be accountable for making good use of class time for achieving maximal health benefit. As Christians, we acknowledge our responsibility to care for our bodies as gifts from God to be used in service to Him and humanity.

Elective: 2.5 credits

Prerequisites: PE I & II

Strength and Conditioning

This course focuses on lifetime physical fitness with a specific emphasis on strength training. The bulk of this class will be spent in the weight room. Students will be building on their knowledge of a weight room from their time in Physical Education I. Students will learn more advanced lifting techniques with a heavy emphasis on proper form. Students will have the opportunity to build strength training plans built around detailed goals. They will have the opportunity to track their progress with these plans throughout the semester. God gifted us these amazing bodies and through this class we will honor the Lord with our bodies by training them and building them up in a God-honoring way.

Elective: 2.5 credits

Prerequisite: Physical Education 1

Strength and Conditioning II

This course is a continuation of our lifetime physical fitness curriculum with a specific emphasis on strength training. This class will meet and use the weight room as our classroom. Students will learn more advanced lifting techniques with a heavy emphasis on proper technique and habits. Students will build consistent habits in the weight room, with the goal of these carrying over once they graduate. This class will be a combination of group workout plans and individualized strength training plans built around detailed personal goals. They will have the opportunity to track their progress with these plans throughout the semester. God gifted us these amazing bodies and through this class we will honor the Lord with our bodies by training them and building them up in a God honoring way.

Elective: 2.5 credits

Prerequisite: Strength and Conditioning I