High School

Contemporary Christian Leadership

This course begins with Biblical leadership with an emphasis on the prominent metaphor of shepherding. Then we will commence in a practical examination of leadership roles and their challenges in a modern context. Students will be challenged to apply 10 leadership ethics in a diversified set of circumstances. We also teach many practical tools for leaders such as maximum collaboration, effective communication, identifying strengths, and team building.

Elective: 2.5 credits

Prerequisite: Sophomore Senior

Faith & Reason: The Curious Book

The Bible has been scrutinized for thousands of years. The claims most often levied against the Word of God suggest that alleged contradictions that “pervade the book” render it invalid. This course is meant to instruct students as to how they can reasonably understand and navigate their Bibles, all while directly facing common contemporary criticisms.

In this course, students will explore the character of God throughout the Old and New Testaments, evaluate stories that are seemingly too “fantastical to be true,” and critically investigate claims that the Bible is full of contradictions. As part of the course, students will also be required to write a “worldview reflection” in which they will have to investigate and consider their views on origins, meaning, morality, and destiny. The goal of the course is to encourage students not to shy away from critically evaluating the content of their Bible(s), while simultaneously working to augment their faith as they work to understand that “[God’s] word is Truth” (NASB, John 17:17) and “shall not return […] void” (NKJV, Isaiah 55:11).

Elective: 2.5 credits

Prerequisite: Junior – Senior

Bible 9 – Hermeneutics

This course, the foundational course for many other Bible courses at WCHS, will teach principles for better comprehension of the Bible. Hermeneutical rules will be studied and will be applied to individual texts and passages. A unit on Biblical archaeology, history, and geography will be included to provide a fuller understanding of Biblical events. Finally, the various literary types will be studied and applied through a closer inspection of respective books. Books to be studied will include Deuteronomy, Psalms, Ecclesiastes, Luke, Romans, and Revelation.

Required: 2.5 credits

Prerequisites: None

Heroes of the Faith

This course focuses on Hebrews 11, which summarizes the truth about faith and its practical applications for Christians. By studying the lives of the biblical figures mentioned in this chapter, students will gain a deeper understanding of what it means to live by faith. This course encourages students to reflect on their own faith journeys, finding areas where they can grow and strengthen their faith. Through discussions, journaling, and other class activities, students will build a foundation of what living by faith means in their personal lives.

Elective: 2.5 credits

Prerequisites: Sophomore-Senior



Worship is a key theme in the Bible. We worship God in church, and yet our whole lives are to be an act of worship. Impact challenges students to consider what worship is, how we “do” worship, and different methods for incorporating worship into our lives. Considerable time is spent planning, researching, writing, and rehearsing for High School Chapels, as well as studying and discussing Biblical worship. Class activities will have a dual focus: 1) Chapel planning and 2) Personal and corporate growth. Students who are interested in chapel planning and in reflecting on their faith walk are encouraged to join. Students may take this class more than once, as their schedules allow.

Elective: 1.25 credits (Does not count toward Bible class requirement)

Prerequisites: None


Jesus – The Rabbi

Jesus grew up in first-century Israel. It was a very different time and place than today’s world. His words back then would have impacted his audience differently than they do today. This course aims to examine how Jesus would have been viewed by his contemporaries; fellow rabbis, common folks, religious leaders and, of course, his disciples. We will study the life and words of Jesus, the rabbi. How does the land add to his message? How did he teach his disciples? What does it mean that He was a rabbi, and what made Him unique among rabbis of his day? What teaching methods did He use and how did they differ from how we commonly teach today? What did it mean to be a disciple? How did Jesus use common, mundane things from His culture to teach powerful lessons? We will study rabbis and disciples, the schooling system, Jewish sects, Jewish holidays, parables, daily home life and synagogue life, Jewish literature, and more. Step into the world of the first century Jew and listen with new meaning to the words of Jesus.

Elective: 2.5 credits

Prerequisites: Sophomore Senior

New Testament Theology

This course reviews several New Testament books (John, Acts, Romans, and Revelation) and helps students develop ways of studying the Bible. Students will review the author, his audience, purpose for writing, message and themes and learn how each specific book can be understood today. Passages will be studied carefully, taking note of historical, cultural, and geographical contexts, for a fuller understanding. Class discussions will also draw out the implications for a Christian’s daily walk with God.

Elective: 2.5 credits

Prerequisites: Sophomore Senior

The Church in Action

This course will cover church history from 70 AD (picking up after the New Testament ends) and continuing until as close to the present day as possible. The textbook will be Church History in Plain Language by Bruce Shelley. The aim of the course will be to help students understand the development of Christian doctrine in the context of history as the church engages the world over the ages. It will highlight the church’s accomplishments as well as draw lessons from its shortcomings. This course will require students to engage their own local church via sermon notes, volunteer work (in conjunction with our service hours), and interviews/visits with local church leaders. A key goal is to help students understand their own personal role within the mission of the church.

Elective: 2.5 credits

Prerequisite: Junior-Senior