- Guidance
Welcome to the WCS Guidance Department
We journey alongside our students to help them discover the right fit for their higher education.
The high school years are a time of rapid development and personal discovery. Whitinsville Christian School affords students opportunities to grow through academics, athletics, performing arts, service, leadership, and spiritual life. Our guidance counselor staff delights in fostering this growth and counseling each student to be their best.
Guidance Staff
As a Christian school, our mission is to nurture the academic, spiritual, personal, social, creative, and physical development of students, in cooperation with their parents, for Christ-like service in God’s world. The guidance department continues this commitment with many support programs which are designed to provide students with a wide range of academic, social, and spiritual guidance with their counselors through their senior year. College admissions, financial aid, NCAA processes, academic counseling, and scholarship information are just a few of the many services provided through the guidance department.
College Advising
One-on-one meetings with our guidance counselors are held during the spring of junior year and fall of senior year regarding college admissions and career advising. Every spring, students also meet with a guidance counselor to go over their academic schedule for the following year, as well as future goals and aspirations. Outside these scheduled meetings, students are welcome to speak to a guidance counselor at any time about issues that concern them.
Career Day
This biennial program is offered to all high school students in the fall. Professionals from the community come to WCHS for a half day and share their job/career with students. When adults come in to speak about their professions, it provides opportunities for students to hear from a living, breathing, excited professional, instead of just reading about the career in a book or on a website. Students have the chance to ask questions and interact with the speaker.
Many have found these sessions to be of great help and inspiration in planning their futures. Participants and keynote speakers have included people in the following fields: psychology/counseling, civil engineering, game design, paramedic/EMT, FBI, real estate, Christian ministry, film production, funeral director, pharmacist, marketing, law enforcement, lawyer, genetics, music therapy, occupational therapy, early childhood education, and more.
Job Shadow
This program is open to juniors and seniors on a voluntary basis. Placements are arranged through the Guidance Department and students may shadow for one day.