

Daily classes include reading, writing, math, social studies, science, and Bible. Additional classes include art, library, music, and physical education. Students in grades 3-5 also have Makerspace, Spanish, and technology classes.

Core Curriculum

Curriculum: Reader’s Workshop method of instruction based on Lucy Calkins’ Units of Study. Each lesson starts with a mini-lesson teaching a reading strategy or comprehension tool. Students then engage in independent reading with books at his or her  reading level, while the teacher conferences individually and in small groups. Students also give written responses to the books they are reading, often incorporating the skill taught in the mini-lesson. The lesson ends with a time for sharing. 
Grades K-2 use Fundations phonics curriculum for a strong phonics foundation. Students are given the STAR Reading Assessment monthly to determine reading level, along with strengths and areas for improvement. K/1 students are assessed using the DRA (Developmental Reading Assessment) to determine beginning reading levels.

Curriculum: The Benchmark Writer’s Workshop. Each grade level focuses on 4-5 writing genres. The students develop their writing in these genres, ending with a polished piece for each one. Students are also given time to “free write” and explore their own personal writing styles.

Curriculum: Houghton Mifflin and Math in Focus. We emphasize learning grade-appropriate math facts. Students are given the STAR Math Assessment quarterly to track progress.

Social Studies
Each grade level teaches a variety of units related to our community, Geography, and US History.

Curriculum: Delta Science Modules (hands-on, inquiry-based learning), along with STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) units. Each grade level also completes a unit on the human body and its various systems. Grades 3-5 utilize Project Lead The Way Science/STEM units.

Curriculum: Christian Schools International’s, Walking with God and His People, taking the students through the Old Testament and New Testament with stories and application. Scripture is also memorized at each grade level.

Curriculum: Handwriting Without Tears in grades K-4. Cursive writing is introduced at the end of 2nd grade.

The Elementary art program is built on the Biblical foundation that each child, being made in God’s own image, has creative abilities just waiting to be explored and developed. The students are regularly engaged in discussions about various artists, artistic styles, cultural and historic art influences, as well as the basic elements of art and principles of design. All these things and much more are applied as the students create their own unique art pieces and develop their own personal artistic style.

The Elementary music program teaches the basic components of music, while teaching that singing is an important aspect of worship. All elementary students participate in a school-wide program at the end of the year (the Elementary Musical and Grandparents Day alternate years).

Physical Education
As Christians, you are given the awesome responsibility to take care of your bodies. One of the ways to do that is physical exercise. Having healthy bodies will make a difference in how you think, act and feel. Being active and learning about how your body can move is an important part of your total education experience. The Elementary school physical education program is a combination of motor skill proficiency, foundation of sports, health fitness, play, and sportsmanship.

Elementary Spanish (grades 3-5) is rooted in God’s love of all languages and all people. Studying greetings, conversation, vocabulary, and culture lay the foundation for successful foreign language acquisition later on in their education.

Creative Design/Makerspace
Students in grades K-2 have a daily time dedicated to play and design. Options include building, arts and crafts, sewing, woodworking, and more. Students in grades 3-5 engage in a biweekly Makerspace time.

Students in Grades 3-5 have weekly Computer Science classes using the Code.org curriculum. They also learn how to navigate the internet safely. Three times a week the students use Typing Club to work their way through comprehensive, scaffolded keyboarding lessons.

Social Emotional Learning
We use Social Thinking and the Zones of Regulation, along with Responsive Classroom, for a social/emotional learning program. This involves weekly sessions where various topics are introduced and discussed, such as how to handle confrontation, dealing with annoying behaviors, etc. Each day also begins with a morning meeting time where students greet each other, share with each other, and participate in community-building activities. Our school health and wellness counselor holds sessions in each class periodically.

Outdoor Ed
While all of our students are given substantial time outdoors, the 3rd and 4th grade classes engage in Outdoor Ed, a time of self-directed exploration. This is a lengthy time spent in the forest, two to three times per week, collaborating, playing, and problem-solving.

The elementary library supports the literacy learning of PreSchool-5th grade students. Students have a scheduled weekly library period and may drop in before and after school and during recess time as well. Our elementary library contains approximately 7,000 books with 50-75 new titles added each year.

After School Enrichment
Each semester after school enrichment classes are offered by a variety of faculty. This is an opportunity for your child to enhance their school experience with an assortment of after school offerings. Past sessions have included music classes, art lessons, cooking sessions, science experiments, and much more. Students look forward to this opportunity to dive a little deeper into a topic.